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My Aphorisms

Here are some thoughts that I have been thinking of. I will update this list as new items come up.

  • We all make decisions in our lives that limit our options.
  • We only live in the Now. There is no past or future.
  • The ego cannot live in the now. It lives in the memory of the past or in the expectation of a known future.
  • God lives in a set of infinite Nows, whether linear or parallel. There is no difference.
  • Unless we are present to Now, we are automatons focused on predictive modeling and decision making.
  • The ego is designed to protect the organism from the inner and outer dangers. It is on guard for danger and is focused on minimizing the risks of dangerous events for the organism.
  • The ego sees itself as the main decisionmaker for the organism and will do whatever it takes to protect the organism and itself, by extension.
  • Ego is focused on stasis / status quo. Any change to the environment is equated with death and is, therefore, unacceptable and must be resisted to the fullest.
  • Live as if today is the day before you die.
  • Life is for the living. Death is for the ego.
  • The funerals are for the egos of the living.

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